Customer Experiences: Are You Chasing Customers Away?

Are you chasing customers away? I recently developed a seminar on the topic of improving customer experiences, so the topic is top of mind for me. My mental radar is on High for recognizing bad... no, make that miserable... examples of customer service and experiences. I wish I could say there are equal amounts of good and bad customer service and experiences, but sadly, the bad greatly outnumber the good, and even the mediocre. Everyone claims to provide exceptional customer experiences, but it isn't true by a long shot. A friend recently stopped by a family style restaurant with a [...]

By |2016-12-30T00:48:13-05:00August 30th, 2010|Customer Experience|

Who Comes First: Employees or Customers?

There is an ongoing difference of opinions on the key component of business success: employees or customers. Some say it's all about the customers. From my viewpoint, it is that 'chicken or the egg' theory: Which came first? I have to give employees the nod. An employee is the first contact a potential customer has with your product or service.  Their first experience with your company may be the receptionist who answers the telephone or greets them as they enter your place of business. It could be a delivery person, or a maintenance person who shovels snow from your front [...]

By |2016-12-30T01:25:23-05:00August 29th, 2010|Employees|

Changing Consumer Behaviors in Recessionary Times: Shopping, Buying and Spending

'Designing Strategies' eNewsletter  March - April l 2009               Volume 6 - Issue 27   Is everyone ready for a new ‘normal’?  Like it or not, recessionary times are affecting customer behaviors in major ways.  Changing consumer behaviors are certainly a big part of what will become our new Normal.  Now is the best time to focus on strategies to address these issues, as well as your marketing strategies.  According to a recent article by Marla Matzer Rose in The Columbus Dispatch, that is exactly what we can expect from this economy. And, it is likely [...]

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