
Maurer Consulting Group FAQs

We want to help in your search for the best professional to help work on challenges and issues facing your firm.  For that reason, we offer these answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).  If your question is not covered here, please Contact Us. We will be happy to discuss and clarify other issues of concern.


Differences between Coach/Adviser/Consultant

FAQs about business and executive coaches

A coach supports a business owner by acting as a cheerleader in achieving success.  Like a sports coach, a business coach works at your side to identify your own and the firm’s strengths and challenges. We all face challenges and making difficult business decisions at some point. Your ideal coach helps move your business forward in a focused, positive manner.  A good coach will challenge you, your thoughts and decisions about your business.   They also help  clarify ideas and develop strategies for moving your firm toward growth and success.

Coaching is a system that involves nurturing and growing  business owners or leaders from the inside out.  The system helps clients identify obstacles and set goals to help them reach their highest potential.  Once goals are set, clear plans can developed to create strategies and tactics to achieve them.  A coach offers insight and advice as a means to empower YOU to create the business of your dreams.

FAQs about business advisers (advisors)

A business adviser is much like a consultant.  Their goal is to provide small business owners and leaders with information to run their business more effectively and efficiently.  Business advisers have business knowledge, experience and skills to help identify areas of concern in a client’s business.   Combining these areas of expertise, sometimes with specialized training, advisers help small business leaders develop a clearly focused path forward.

FAQs about business consultants

A business consultant is a professional who provides expert advice in a specific area of business.  You might need help from a consultant with expertise in business management, finance, technology, human resources, or other specialized fields.  The consultant brings a professional’s higher level of expertise into the process.

Consultants offer pertinent information, trends, advice, brainstorming and helpful training to clients.   Some even come into a firm to take on a project, working to implement the goals of a small business.  For instance, a small firm ready to hire key personnel to advance their company may not have staff with necessary skills to complete the task.  A consultant can be engaged on a per-project basis to get the job done.

Does MCG offer coaching, advising or consulting skills?

At Maurer Consulting Group, we find ourselves working at all three levels:  Coach, Adviser and Consultant.  We provide the best available services based on each small business client’s specific needs.  Our goal is to use our best skills and knowledge to help clients develop their business and thrive.  Success for us is making clients better business owners and leaders.

Find a coach/adviser/consultant that has been where you want to go.  That ideal person will share their skills, knowledge, wisdom and practical tips to get you to your goals.

Why hire a coach, adviser or consultant

A business or executive coach, also referred to as an adviser or consultant, provides expertise in areas often not cost effective for small businesses to maintain in house.  Many small businesses do not have staff with the skills to address every single issue.  Or, if they do, that person may already be overwhelmed with other work. Bringing in the expertise of a consultant/coach/adviser to help develop and implement a solution quickly can be a wise choice.

How does MCG differ from other small business coaches, advisers or consultants?

At Maurer Consulting we are known for our casual, down to earth approach.  We work as a member of your team, not some aloof outside business professional talking down to you.  We talk with clients in an easily understood communication style. No business jargon is used to confuse you or bore you to death. As members of your team, our approach is more client-friendly than typical ‘three-piece, pinstripe suits with wingtip shoes’ types.

You launched your own business to be in a more enjoyable situation than your past work experiences.   We understand, you want to do what you want and take control.  You aren’t alone, these are the greatest passions for many of our clients.  Achieving success is your vision.

Rest assured, MCG wants to bring all of that back to you. How? By helping put a strong foundation under your business.  A strong, stable foundation supports successful business growth.  We do this by asking questions that drill down deep to what drives and motivates you. Often, what a client sees as a problem is merely a symptom of the actual problem.  Once obstacles come to the surface, we help you set strategic goals and tactics to get over, under, around or through them.

How can Terri Maurer & MCG help my firm?

Small businesses have different issues keeping them up at night.  We help identify your specific challenges and pain points that need attention.  Just like you, we want to identify and  fix what is putting obstacles in your path so you can move your business forward more easily.

Our logical, analytical process of assessing and evaluating where your company is now is our starting point.  We look at profit-loss centers in your company structure, as well as current productivity and efficiency situations.  Taking an analytic look at this information, we can then help you develop plans and strategies as remedies to help you grow and succeed.

Our process combines proven industry experience with current business development tools and concepts.  Best results are achieved for our clients.   By creating effective business processes and systems,  take your small business forward on a much smoother, more direct path with clarity for growth and  success.

Do you sign non-disclosure agreements to protect our privacy?

Absolutely, if you want one!  MCG is proud of our professionalism and discretion when it comes to clients’ business and personal situations. For those reasons, we maintain ethical business practices at all times. We prefer a mutual non-disclosure agreement, signed in advance. All shared proprietary information on both sides remains confidential.

Do you ever fire a client?

Once in a while, we do find it necessary to sever ties with a client, but only for very specific reasons.  We never part ways with a client without first discussing our situation and providing a chance to repair the problem. Reasons for break ups include:

  • Missing sessions without notification or repeatedly not attending the scheduled session.
  • Habitually coming late to sessions.
  • Client does something illegal or immoral.
  • Clients not taking responsibility for their own decisions or actions (or lack of actions).
  • Not paying coaching/consulting/advising fees on time.
  • Client’s needs go beyond the realm of business coaching/consulting/advising.
  • Client not doing the work necessary to advance themselves as leaders or their company.

We hope these FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions page provide for what is on your mind.  If not , please don’t hesitate to contact Terri Maurer for more information by sending a direct email to her.