The Human Side of Your Company – Show It

So many web sites for small businesses are just too generic and downright boring.  Nothing is there to make the company stand out. Nothing is there to encourage visitors who found the site to look around or buy, or ever come back again.  Nothing there to show the human side of your company.  In many cases,  these web sites are the only online marketing being done by a firm. It's hard to believe  their only marketing effort of the many Internet marketing channels available, presents their company, products or services as so, Vanilla.  Instead of presenting themselves as Rocky Road or Toasted Almond [...]

By |2016-12-27T23:41:24-05:00August 28th, 2012|Branding, Marketing|

Know Your Brand and Stick To It

Every Wednesday, I anticipate receiving the 'Marketing Minute' newsletter written by Marcia Yudkin, a respected marketing expert located in Massachusetts.  Her newsletters are routinely full of quality content, are short and to the point.  A recent article, graciously shared below, carries a strong branding message that we should all pay attention to:  develop and know your brand, then stick to it.  Remember who you are and what you set out to do.  Avoid temptations to deviate from your set direction.  No matter what - do not deviate from  your brand - not even a tiny little bit.  If you know your brand, it will help [...]

By |2016-12-29T00:35:39-05:00December 9th, 2011|Branding|

Make Yourself Memorable

Are you doing anything at all to make yourself memorable?  By 'yourself', I am referring to your small business.  To be successful, your company needs to standout from competitors to be memorable when they need your products and services. Our niece was recently married at a lovely Fall outdoor ceremony.  She and her new husband left a few days later for a romantic trip to Europe.  They spent some time in Venice.  From there, planned a train ride to Stuttgart, Germany where they would pick up a rental car and drive through the Alps. Leaving the hotel for the train trip, they hailed a taxi.  [...]

By |2016-12-29T00:53:56-05:00November 7th, 2011|Branding, Customer Experience|

Branding: Put Your Best Foot Forward

In today's world of Internet marketing and social media, and a challenging economy, small businesses on tight budgets with no marketing staff have taken to doing their own marketing.  Many have never done the research and homework necessary to develop their company or personal brand.  Without a clearly defined brand, your company is just one of a growing list of competitors, with no clear way to stand out and catch customers' attention.  Branding is the basis of all marketing efforts. Why branding is so important A well developed brand will send a constant message through a variety of targeted marketing channels that rings with: "We're better [...]

By |2016-12-29T00:57:51-05:00October 17th, 2011|Branding, Market Planning, Marketing|

Take on Challenges as Big as Mountains

Have you ever participated in leadership training?  I've attended several and been asked to identify the kind of car that best describes who I am.  "If you were a car, what brand would you be?"  Most pick some cool sports car because it defines them as being classy, sleek and fast moving. Or, maybe because it's well designed and draws a lot of attention.  Others related better to a Jeep or Hummer because they are solid, hardworking types who can battle through anything thrown in their path.  All I knew is that I liked to take on challenges, and that didn't relate to any [...]

By |2016-12-29T18:57:04-05:00May 15th, 2011|Branding|

Branding: Protect Your Online Reputation

Our recent Designing Strategies newsletter issue covered guarding and protecting your company brand online. The need for protecting your online reputation assumes, of course, your company has a web site or other form of online presence.  In today's world, the Internet is where customers  look for you.  An active online presence is a major part of your branding efforts.  It may sound drastic, but you need to protect your online reputation at all costs. Far too many small businesses, especially those in the retail arena, still have not created a website.  Many don't have a blog to present their company either.  Their [...]

By |2016-12-29T19:23:40-05:00April 1st, 2011|Branding, Marketing|

Protect Your Online Reputation and Company Brand

'Designing Strategies' Newsletter March - April 2011                      Volume 8 -- Issue 39  I know, I know, your mother told you that it's not nice to talk about people behind their backs. But, the truth is, people do it all the time. It would be nice if they only had nice, warm, glowing thoughts to convey about you, wouldn't it? Nice, of course, but there is no guarantee that will be the case. Too often, people are more anxious to share bad news than positive comments. It's up to you to [...]

By |2017-01-11T12:46:28-05:00March 18th, 2011|Branding, Marketing, Newsletter|

The Importance of Branding: Are You – Del Monte or Generic?

Do you remember when grocery stores stocked aisle after aisle of brand name products? We grew up with well-known products like Del Monte or Green Giant canned vegetables.  Campbell's soup was a standard in our home when I was growing up.  Branding was, and still is, an important part of successful marketing.  it is critical that you understand the importance of branding as the basis of your small business marketing plan. Then, one day 'generic' products packaged with boring, black and white labels showed up next to our favorites.  No pictures of fresh, enticing contents of the canned goods.  Just that plain black [...]

By |2016-12-29T22:05:46-05:00January 17th, 2011|Branding|
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