‘Designing Strategies’ newsletter

November – December 2006                Volume 3 – Issue 13


global diverse workforceThe terms ‘global village’ and ‘global economy’ have been bandied about for quite some time. Maybe it’s in a discussion on out-sourcing or off-shoring.  It might be uneven trade levels or immigration issues.  Clearly,  ‘global’ is a hot business issue with both proponents and opponents.    The reality of expanding globalization for most industries is here.  But, there still seem to be those who think it doesn’t exist or that it can be avoided.  Rest assured, a diverse workforce is the reality of the very near future.

Long-established corporate cultures find it more and more difficult to maintain the status quo of their companies and work forces. Does your corporate culture now include a growing number of employees from foreign cultures and religions? Is your staff made up of a more diverse population based on age and generational differences? If so, you are certainly not alone.  A diverse workforce that can contribute diverse perspectives can keep your firm innovative and competitive.

How will an ever-expanding global economy and marketplace affect your business?  Are you experiencing a workforce with employees of vastly different ages and generational characteristics? Are employees from diverse cultures and religions affecting the way you do business?  American and Canadian economies grew strong and successful based on the assimilation of people from different cultures with diverse backgrounds and ideas into their work forces.  So too, can your company achieve success and growth by capitalizing on a broad array of ideas presented to you by this new diverse workforce.

diverse workforceWhat have you done to embrace the diversity at hand? Are those from other cultures with different religious backgrounds welcome and respected for their ideas and contributions? Are employees of all age groups and from all generations valued and respected for what they offer?  Do you embrace the innovations and work styles of the different generations in your workforce? If not, why not?

There is no time like the present to develop strategies to incorporate diversity to strengthen your own global village.  If you look around and find your workforce is populated mostly by gray-haired Caucasians, time is of the essence in expanding your borders in terms of diversity based on age, culture, education, and innovative ideas.

age diverse workforceOurs is an aging workforce.  Increasing numbers from the Baby Boom generation will reach retirement age within the next 10 years. As they retire and a younger, more diverse workforce replaces them, new challenges will be presented. Not only will there be age and generational diversity, but these young workers will include people from more cultures. This diverse workforce will come with different life experiences that shape their character and work ethic. Even if your facilities are located only in North America, yours will be a global community. Develop strategies now to attract, welcome and retain these fresh recruits into your global village.

We’ve all heard about looming hiring issues facing us as the Baby Boom generation, a major component  of our workforce, ages into retirement. This sizable group has been responsible for years of growth and
strength in our companies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 50% of the work force in
the US will be eligible for retirement by 2012.

Terri L Maurer -2006If you haven’t experienced hiring difficulties yet, you will soon! Remember that Baby Boomers total nearly 78 million. Generation X members who follow are only approximately 46 million strong. Do the math.  For every job vacancy created as a Boomer retires, there will not be an anxious Gen-Xer waiting in the wings to fill the position. Nor will you find that the Gen-Xer you eventually hire to fill the position will have the same workplace styles, expectations, values and standards you have come to expect from your retiring Boomers.

Putting strategies in place today to deal with these diversity issues will serve you well as this tidal wave of change occurs. Develop plans to attract quality employees from all age groups: aging Boomers, Gen X, and
Millennials. What will you offer to attract these diverse groups? Each group will require a separate strategy that appeals to its unique age or cultural diversity. Do it now!

Maurer Consulting Group

Maurer Consulting Group is a strategies group helping clients plan for, and implement, their unique vision of success. We follow a logical path of discovery and development to create a road map to that success.

Consulting services include:
– Situational assessment of your firm’s past,
present and future
– Strategic Planning
– Future visioning and scenario planning
– Market identity & segmentation studies
– Brand development
– Leadership development
– Business coaching

For more information, call 330.666.0802 or email:  tlmaurer@maurerconsultinggroup.com