Find Your Ideal Customers

.You have probably discovered by now that taking the old school shot-gun approach to marketing is a huge waste of your resources.  To make the best investment of time and resources in both traditional and social media marketing -- including your blog -- you need to find your ideal customers.  Just compiling names and e-mail addresses really doesn't tell you much.  For your content to be of value to your customers, you need to know who they are, what demographics they fit into and what characteristics and traits they share with others.  From this data, you can develop your customer [...]

By |2017-05-17T00:43:08-04:00April 20th, 2012|Marketing, Social Media|

Postcard Marketing: Or, Best Left for Vacations?

According to  wonderful social media friend, Lois Geller, owner of Lois Geller Marketing Group in Hollywood, Florida, postcards may well be better left for vacations.  You know, used to make family and friends back home jealous of your out of town excursions.  Scenes of beautiful beaches, mountain vistas, all to make them wish they were where you are.  When it comes to business, postcard marketing is not always the best option to choose. Small businesses include this popular media format to their marketing plans for a number of reasons. Postcards are relatively simple and inexpensive to design. They can be [...]

By |2020-11-11T18:33:52-05:00March 16th, 2012|Marketing|

Social Media Marketing: Interview with Industry Leader Rhonda Burgin

'Designing Strategies' Newsletter March – April 2012                                            Volume 9 -- Issue 46 Rhonda Burgin on Social Media Marketing Being the first in your industry off the starting block can provide great strategic advantage. Burgin Construction was that firm in the construction industry when it came to social media marketing.  Three years ago, when no one else in their industry seemed to have picked up on social media marketing, Rhonda Burgin, Vice President of Burgin Construction, located in Orange County, California decided [...]

By |2017-01-04T01:37:00-05:00March 15th, 2012|Leadership, Marketing, Newsletter, Social Media|

Become a Brilliant Blogger

"Brilliant Blogs or Bust!"  was the title of a blog post that just jumped off the page at me.  OK, it was my computer monitor, but the title with its brilliant alliteration certainly caught my attention.  Any individual or business with a blog included  in their marketing plan wants to think that their musings become posts that readers will declare brilliant.   I want to become a brilliant blogger! Ideally, readers will find your posts brilliant enough to pass on to others, helping the blog postings to go viral, expanding your visibility exponentially.   The idea behind a business blog is to attract potential customers [...]

By |2016-12-29T00:42:12-05:00November 27th, 2011|Market Planning, Marketing|

Branding: Put Your Best Foot Forward

In today's world of Internet marketing and social media, and a challenging economy, small businesses on tight budgets with no marketing staff have taken to doing their own marketing.  Many have never done the research and homework necessary to develop their company or personal brand.  Without a clearly defined brand, your company is just one of a growing list of competitors, with no clear way to stand out and catch customers' attention.  Branding is the basis of all marketing efforts. Why branding is so important A well developed brand will send a constant message through a variety of targeted marketing channels that rings with: "We're better [...]

By |2016-12-29T00:57:51-05:00October 17th, 2011|Branding, Market Planning, Marketing|

Maximize Your Existing Database to Keep Customers

It costs five to ten times more to find and cultivate a new customer than to keep one you already have.   In addition to the financial cost of bringing new customers into the fold,  time and energy expended as well.  Sometimes, businesses are overly anxious to finish up a project or fulfill a sale and move to the next one.  This leads to a customer being dropped like a hot potato when the next best thing comes along.   It seems like a no-brainer to keep existing, satisfied customers, than forgetting about them.  Below are several strategies for getting high results if you maximize your [...]

By |2016-12-29T01:10:35-05:00September 22nd, 2011|Customer Relationships, Marketing|

Social Media Marketing Opportunity for Small Businesses

'Designing Strategies' Newsletter May - June 2011                      Volume 8 - Issue 40 Unless you were on the space shuttle or vacationing on a deserted island recently, you can't have missed the big news this week., the most popular professional social media platform went public. They were the hottest buzz from the technology sector on Wall Street. With more than 100 million users, LinkedIn is more than ready for prime time. Yes, 100,000,000 users, which is a somewhat modest number when compared to other social media giants like Facebook and [...]

By |2017-01-11T08:36:10-05:00May 15th, 2011|Market Planning, Newsletter, Social Media|

Social Media: What’s Your Twitter Philosophy?

I found this question about Twitter philosophy on the direct marketing blog of one of my best Twitter friends, @loisgeller. The question was at the very end of one of her recent posts and resonated with me immediately. Anyone who follows me on social media, or who reads my newsletter or blog, knows I strongly believe that anything of any importance begins with a plan. Business plan, strategic plan, marketing plan, social media plan, going to the mall or planting a garden. Nothing provides the focus and direction needed for success like a plan. Any good plan includes your overall philosophy or [...]

By |2016-12-29T19:05:32-05:00May 8th, 2011|Marketing, Social Media|

Renew Customer Relationships: Time for Your Business to Spring Forward

Tax season is behind us here in the US -- to my mind, the most depressing part of any year.  I look forward to the coming of Spring and all things invigorating and motivational. Our bizarre Ohio weather has taken us through sunshine and warm temperatures,  rain showers, thunderstorms and even a bit of snow, all in a little over a week.   I look out now at overcast skies and dropping temperatures and yet see bright yellow daffodils and forsythia bushes in bloom  and  a few tiny green leaves starting to pop on the trees.  It's time for small business [...]

By |2016-12-29T19:14:29-05:00April 20th, 2011|Customer Experience, Marketing|

Branding: Protect Your Online Reputation

Our recent Designing Strategies newsletter issue covered guarding and protecting your company brand online. The need for protecting your online reputation assumes, of course, your company has a web site or other form of online presence.  In today's world, the Internet is where customers  look for you.  An active online presence is a major part of your branding efforts.  It may sound drastic, but you need to protect your online reputation at all costs. Far too many small businesses, especially those in the retail arena, still have not created a website.  Many don't have a blog to present their company either.  Their [...]

By |2016-12-29T19:23:40-05:00April 1st, 2011|Branding, Marketing|
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